Oilfield workers are often shorted on overtime pay

Unpaid overtime is a common problem in oilfield jobs. If you work in the oilfields and your employer has told you that you do not qualify for overtime pay, you may be a misclassified worker who is being listed as exempt for overtime pay. However, many oilfield workers do qualify for overtime pay, so how can you be sure that you are truly exempt? Call the overtime attorneys at Dunham & Jones to find out if you qualify to be an exempt employee.

Lawsuit filed: Target Oilfield Services sued by current and former employees for unpaid overtime

On February 28, 2014, a Federal Lawsuit was filed against Target Oilfield Services, LLC, on behalf of Ruben Cuellar and eleven other employees and former employees. Job titles for these employees include office worker, field hand, yard man, dispatcher and lead man. Dunham & Jones lawyers allege that these employees were docked for lunches they were not allowed to take, had time deducted from time records, and were misclassified as exempt and illegally paid a salary without overtime compensation. The case is filed in Federal Court in San Antonio, Texas.

If you or someone you know worked for Target Oilfield Services, LLC and have a question about your entitlement to overtime, contact Dunham & Jones, P.C., at 1-800-344-4444 today.

Lawsuit filed: Oilfield truck drivers claim they didn’t get paid overtime while transporting material to West Texas oilfields

On February 28, 2014, the employment attorneys at Dunham & Jones, P.C. filed suit in Federal Court in the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division against ULM Corporation, and William L. Ulm on behalf of former employees Danny Johnson, Christopher Armstrong, A.J. Frank, Ernest Garcia, Patrick Greathouse, Eddie Hartnitt, Robert Martinez, Norman Miller, Ramon Monson, Emons Morris, Steve Moya, Adam Paiz, and Rowland Pittman.

Plaintiffs, who all worked for Defendants as truck drivers transporting material in the oilfields of West Texas, filed suit under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) alleges that he frequently worked more than 40 hours per week, but was never paid time and one half for these hours.

If you or someone you know worked for ULM Corporation and have a question about your entitlement to overtime, contact Doug Welmaker at Dunham & Jones, P.C., at 1-800-344-4444 today.

Lawsuit filed: West Texas Oilfield swamper claims minimum wage and overtime violations against Permian Trucking & Hot Shot, L.L.C.

On February 7, 2014, the overtime attorneys at Dunham & Jones, P.C. filed suit in Federal Court in the Western District of Texas, Midland/Odessa Division against Permian Trucking & Hot Shot, L.L.C. on behalf of former employee Dennis Hall, alleging both minimum wage and overtime violations.

Mr. Hall, whose primary duty was as a swamper working in the oilfields of West Texas filed suit under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) alleging that he frequently worked more than 40 hours per week, but was never paid time and one half for these hours.

If you or someone you know worked for Permian Trucking & Hot Shot, L.L.C. and have a question about your entitlement to overtime, contact Doug Welmaker at Dunham & Jones, P.C., at 1-800-344-4444 today.

Lawsuit filed: Houston oilfield worker claims being paid by Chinese Overtime scheme as he worked in excess of 120 hours every two weeks

On January 16, 2014, the employment lawyers at Dunham & Jones P.C. filed suit in Federal Court in Houston against Greene’s Energy Group, LLC and Greene’s Energy Group International, LLC on behalf of former oilfield worker Bryan High, alleging overtime violations.

Mr. High filed suit under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) for all unpaid overtime hours worked within the three-year period prior to the filing of the suit.

Mr. High, who worked in Houston, Texas, alleges that he was working in excess of 120 hours every two weeks although his employer failed to pay him overtime for these hours. In fact, the compensation scheme utilized by his employer wound up reducing his effective hourly rate the more hours he worked. This type of scheme is commonly referred to as Chinese Overtime.

If you or someone you know worked for Greene’s Energy Group, LLC and Greene’s Energy Group International, LLC, contact Doug Welmaker at Dunham & Jones, PC, at 1-800-344-4444 today.

Lawsuit filed: Oilfield helpers sue Peak Oilfield Services & Select Energy Services for unpaid overtime

On January 10, 2014, the overtime attorneys at Dunham & Jones, P.C. filed suit in Federal Court in Victoria, Texas against Peak Oilfield Services & Select Energy Services on behalf of Quinnton Avery and Julio Cruz for unpaid overtime.

Mr. Avery and Mr. Cruz were employed in the oilfield as helpers. They allege they were misclassified as independent contractors and paid straight-time rather than time and one half for overtime hours.

If you or someone you know worked for Peak Oilfield Services & Select Energy Services and have a question about your entitlement to overtime, contact Dunham & Jones, P.C., at 1-800-344-4444 today.

Lawsuit filed: Midland oilfield worker claims not paid for time to report to work, ready and in uniform

On December 5, 2013, the employment lawyers at Dunham & Jones P.C. filed suit in Federal Court in Midland, Texas against Helmerich & Payne, Inc. and Helmerich & Payne International Drilling Company on behalf of former floor hand Mark Sims, alleging overtime violations.

Mr. Sims filed suit under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) for all unpaid overtime hours worked within the three-year period prior to the filing of the suit.

Mr. Sims, who worked in Midland, Texas, alleges that he was not paid for time he had to report to work, ready and in uniform, prior to the time his shift was scheduled to start.

If you or someone you know worked as a floor hand for an oil company, contact Doug Welmaker at Dunham & Jones, PC, at 1-800-344-4444 today.